“I used to spend three hours a week chasing up timesheets, so the biggest game-changer is having employees clock in and out of shifts themselves.”
Man O’ War
Get ready for service in less time than it takes to shake a margarita. The photo time clock keeps your crew on top of shifts & breaks.
Keep a tab on where everyone is and what they’re doing thanks to Droppah’s handy live view.
With Droppah, break calculations are automatic and straightforward. We’ll handle the details of paid vs. unpaid time, so you can focus on keeping your team moving without the hassle of manual tracking.
Employees can clock in and out by taking a photo of themselves when they start and end their shifts. Hours and breaks for the day will be recorded to the minute.
Droppah can automatically calculate paid versus unpaid breaks using the Paid Breaks setting.
You can read more about this in the Paid Breaks support article.
You can view daily or weekly timesheet costs by employee or team.
Any variance between rostered hours and hours worked will be highlighted.
Yes, there is flexibility to set up different business structures within one Droppah account.
When setting up employees, you can define their unavailability and preferred hours and days. Droppah smart rostering will use these rules to build rosters that fit within these preferences. You’ll also receive alerts if you build rosters outside of these preferences when building rosters manually.
Different levels of access can be granted within Droppah.
More questions?
Talk to sales“I quickly scan the completed timesheets then send them to payroll. Rostering takes two quick steps at the end of the week.”
Man O’ War