Droppah & Lightspeed

Seamless rostering meets smart POS

Effortlessly sync staff time and sales data between Lightspeed and Droppah.

Droppah is free for businesses with up to 10 employees

Droppah & Lightspeed


Build rosters within budget

Use recent daily and weekly Lightspeed revenue data to plan rosters and shifts that hit labour cost targets without the guesswork.


Stay on top of your numbers

Lightspeed’s revenue data syncs directly with Droppah in real-time so you can stay on top of every dollar, every shift.


Spend less time tracking time

When an employee starts a shift in Lightspeed, their time clock in Droppah will automatically start and show in the handy live view in Droppah like magic.

Optimal rosters served by AI

Let auto-scheduling build the perfect roster based on skills, availability, preferences, and costs.

Droppah | Rostering
Droppah | Mobile app

Keep in comms with the crew

Roster sharing & shift swapping made easy, notify the crew that needs to be in the know via the Droppah app.

Stay in control of overtime

Set rules to automatically calculate overtime and allowance costs.

Droppah | Overtime
Droppah | Live roster

Real-time roster view

Keep a tab on who’s clocked in, who’s on break and who’s working overtime with the handy live view.

Spot on timesheets

Record to-the-minute timesheets and send directly to payroll or export to CSV.

Droppah | Timesheets
Droppah Hospo

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